About the Proceeding

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has brought about significant changes in many aspects of people’s lives. Industry 4.0 is an industry concept that focuses on the use of technology to improve production efficiency. However, the emergence of Industry 4.0 for production and its related technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems, among others, in business today is a two-sided coin phenomenon. On the one hand, industrialization contributes to the acceleration of human production. The industrial revolution gave us new ways to produce efficiently and accelerated economic development. However, it has a negative impact on environmental sustainability due to air pollution, poor waste disposal, and intensive use of raw materials, information, and energy, as well as harming society.

As a result, a breakthrough in how to use technology without harming the environment is required. Green technology is the best alternative because it is an umbrella term that encompasses any technology that is designed to be environmentally friendly from its conception to its use. It is a constantly evolving form of technology that aims to be less taxing on natural resources as humans consume them faster than they can be replenished. It can also refer to clean energy production, which means using environmentally friendly technology and fuels. This technology includes infrastructure technology, which is used to generate clean energy, recycle waste, purify water, and conserve natural resources, among other things. The primary goal of green technology is to help control climate change, protect the natural environment, reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels, and repair environmental damage.

In this sense, community is one of the important factors in how green technology can develop and become part of the modern lifestyle. Based on this rationale, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is conducting International Conference of Technology on Community and Environmental Development entitled “Green Technology for Future 4.0 Community and Environment”. This conference will allow scientists, academics, industry, and government to share their experiences with community service programs. This conference is part of the contribution to the advancement of science and technology that benefits humans and protect environment. The goal of this conference is to create a platform for scientific dissemination between academics and practitioners to emerge collaboration for publishing their ideas and experiences in a reputable journal and proceeding, as well as community service practices. Furthermore, strategic partnership at the local and global levels was expected.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Green Technology for Future 4.0 Community and Environment
Published: 2023-12-31

Agricultural and Food Industry

Green Technology

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