Development of Digital Literacy for Teachers


  • Firly Annisa Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Wulan Widyasari Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Abstract. Digital literacy is important for everyone, including educators who must appreciate the value of utilizing technology responsibly. At this turn, the community service project took place at Muhammadiyah Trensains High School Sragen in Central Java. One of Muhammadiyah's institutions prioritizes the integration of science and Islamic boarding school curricula. It can be challenging for people to stay up to date with the newest technology and tools in the digital world because it is continuously expanding and changing. Workshops on digital literacy can teach participants how to utilize new tools and platforms efficiently as well as how to stay current with the newest technological developments. Digital citizenship, which entails using technology in a responsible, ethical, and courteous way, can be promoted through training on digital literacy. Digital ethics, privacy, and security, as well as appropriate online conduct, are topics that participants can learn about. Following observations made during participant Q&A sessions, instructional materials are distributed. Participants also participated in hands-on activities and got feedback via post-training evaluations. The findings show that workshop attendees understand journalistic ethics, the characteristics of digital media communications, and the ability to produce supportive messages and content for tolerance in the social media landscape. Overall, from the workshop teachers can conduct and apply journalistic norms and explain the news from a specific case that was shown to them. The workshop materials also include critical thinking exercises that can be utilized to round out teachers understanding of digital literacy


