Building an Entrepreneurship Through Innovation of Healthy Noodles from Various Vegetables


  • Buddhisatyarini Triwara Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Wulandari Retno Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



various vegetables, entrepreneurship, healthy noodles


Abstract. Noodles are food products made from wheat flour which are very popular in the community. Instant noodles are especially popular because they are easy to cook, considerably cheap, and can be stored for a long time. Additionally, they are popular because of their practicality. However, they pose health issues. Most of the noodles sold in the market do not meet the balanced nutritional needs of the body. This condition opens up opportunities to make healthier noodles. Efforts that can be made to increase the nutritional value of noodles include adding vegetables to making noodles. The people's high need and interest in noodle consumption and the relatively small number of healthy noodles on the market that meet people's expectations both in terms of quality and food safety are opportunities for healthy noodle entrepreneurship. This community service activity aims to provide knowledge and skills on how to make healthy noodles from various vegetables and foster an entrepreneurial spirit to develop this healthy noodle business from various vegetables to empower the family economy.


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