Implementation blockchain technology and the internet of things in halal supply chain traceability and food safety: A systematic literature review


  • Miftakhurrizal Kurniawan Universitas Brawijaya
  • Suparno Suparno Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
  • Iwan Vanany Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember



Abstract. Many people currently need help guaranteeing food products. Halal assurance and food safety are examples of the issues addressed. Many cases occur in the food world, such as poisoning, product contamination, and non-halal products for Muslims, giving rise to traceability activities. Blockchain technology and the internet of things are one way to solve the problem of halal supply chain traceability and food safety. With abundant literature in recent years, blockchain and the internet of things have become significant concerns for researchers worldwide. The author tries to show the structure, scope, research trends, and influence of blockchain and the internet of things in halal supply chain traceability and food safety by analyzing existing studies. The study finds that researchers primarily focus on the possibility of blockchain and the internet of things becoming dominant technologies in increasing trust among stakeholders in the food supply chain.


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