Young Generation's Perspective On Food Needs In Agriculture


  • Buston Nurfadila Fakultas Pertanian, Prodi Agribisnis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Zuhud Rozaki Fakultas Pertanian, Prodi Agribisnis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Retno Wulandari Fakultas Pertanian, Prodi Agribisnis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Ridho Ikbar Distrianada Fakultas Pertanian, Prodi Agribisnis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


young generation, Indonesia, food needs


Resilience food is attention main thing in Indonesia remember change climate, growth population and change pattern consumption. With armed thinking innovative and skillful technical, generation young can introduce solution adaptive to change climate, improve productivity agriculture, and development policies that pay attention sustainability environment . Resilience food is issue central in development sustainability and role generation young in understand and fulfill need food very important. This article discuss about importance role generation young in overcome related global challenges need food. Generation young No only bring Spirit innovation and fresh thinking, but also capability introduce and use technology new to the sector agriculture . Through proper education and training, generation young can become agent change with push practice agriculture sustainable , improving efficiency production , and building system more food inclusive . Realize importance sustainability environment, empowerment farmer young and participating active in taking decision is a number of aspect key from method look generation young to need food. Support fully vision and aspirations generation young in the sector agriculture will help create solution innovative and sustainable For overcome related global challenges resilience food. Therefore that, for ensure resilience food period long, important For create supportive environment development and participation generation young in the sector agriculture.


