Granulomatous Epulis in Maxillary Anterior Interdental Teeth


  • Eugenia Inbitsaqun Nabighoh Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Dwi Suhartiningtyas Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Hartanti Hartanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



Granulomatous Epulis, Oral Lesions, Excision, Gingivectomy


Introduction: Epulis is a tumor-like enlargement of the gingiva originating from periodontal connective tissue, which is caused by chronic irritation. Epulis that occurs on the upper anterior teeth will disrupt the aesthetics and function of the lips and reduce self-confidence, so treatment is needed. Case report: The patient came to RSGM complaining that there was a lump on the upper front tooth and it felt painful. The patient had gone to the dentist regarding this case and was given topical medication, but the patient forgot the name of the medication. The patient's pain is aggravated when brushing his teeth and eating hard food or meat, for the taste is relieved when left alone. At the first meeting, patients are given information and education regarding the disease they are suffering from. Case management: The surgical phase by excision of the epulis with gingivectomy and subsequent curettage after surgical treatment of the gingiva. Discussion: Granulomatous epulis is a tissue mass that only exists in the gingiva which is richly vascularized, this lesion can grow to a certain size and stop growing. The etiology of granulomatous epulis lesions is usually caused by chronic irritation. Conclusion: Excision treatment and gingival formation performed with a scalpel can be considered for the treatment of maxillary anterior granulomatous epulis


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