Evaluation Effect Dexamethason and Paracetamol Post-Odontectomy 38 with Impaction IA Mesioangular


  • Baiq Kholida Musyrhifatun Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
  • Muhammad Bakhrul Lutfianto Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta




Impaction, odontectomy, dexamethasone, paracetamol


Introduction: Impacted teeth are a pathological situation where a tooth cannot or will not erupt into normal functional position. Odontectomy is one of the most frequently performed procedures and an invasive procedure that involves extensive tissue trauma and a considerable postoperative inflammatory response. However, to achieve adequate pain relief, monotherapy is difficult and multimodal analgesia is now accepted as the cornerstone of effective pain treatment. Objective: This case report was written with the aim of evaluating the effects of dexamethasone combined with paracetamol in post-operative patients. Case Report: A 24 year old male patient came complaining that his lower left, rearmost teeth often had food stuck in them and were difficult to clean. Patient complaints since 1 year ago and said it was difficult to clean the area even with a toothbrush. The patient wants the tooth to be removed immediately. On objective examination, there were 38 mesioangular impacted teeth with percussion (-), palpation (-), sondation (-), and vitality (+). On supporting examination, it could be seen that there was 38 class IA mesioangular impacted teeth. Result: An odontectomy was carried out on the impacted tooth 38 with a trapezium flap design and post-operative medication was given in the form of amoxicillin, dexamethasone, paracetamol and multivitamins. Control after 7 days of odontectomy to see the effectiveness of the medication given. Conclusion: The use of corticosteroids in the form of dexamethasone combined with paracetamol provides a shorter edema effect and adequate pain relief after surgery


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