Prosiding International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI) <p>The Proceedings International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI) serves as the publication home for papers presented at ICOSI. ICOSI is held yearly by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and the article publications are committed twice a year.</p> <p><img src="" /></p> <p>ICOSI serves as an International Conferences on Multidisciplines, ranging four tracks as follow.</p> <p><strong>HEALTH AND NURSING</strong></p> <p>1. ICMHS (International Conference of Medical and Health Science)<br />2. ICONURS (International Conference on Nursing Studies)<br />3. ICPU (International Conference on Pharmaceutical Updates)<br />4. ICHA (International Conference on Hospital Administration)<br />5. DREAM (Dental Research, Exhibition, and Meeting)</p> <p><strong>SOCIAL SCIENCE</strong></p> <p>1. ISSHERS (International Symposium on Social,Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies)<br />2. ICISDE (International Conference on Islamic Studies in Digital Era)<br />3. ICOELTICS (International Conference on English Language Education and Linguistics)<br />4. ASIAN-COL (Asian Conference on Comparative Laws)<br />5. ILEC (International Language Education Conference)</p> <p><strong>ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE</strong></p> <p>1. ICAF (International Conference on Accounting and Finance)<br />2. ICOMS (International Conference on Management Sciences)<br />3. ICIEFI (International Conference on Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion)</p> <p><strong>AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING</strong></p> <p>1. ICOSA (International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture)<br />2. ICONARD (International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development)<br />3. ICITAMEE (International Conference on Information Technology, Advanced Mechanical and Electrical Engineering)<br />4. ISCEIE (International Conference on Civil, Environment, and Infrastructure Engineering)</p> en-US (admin ICoSI) (admin ICoSI) Wed, 30 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Use of Call Balban Application in Assisting Motorcyclists <p>This study aims to develop a system that allows motorists to easily call a tire repair technician via an Android-based smartphone. The method used in compiling this research consists of data collection. analysis of user requirements, analysis of functional requirements and analysis of application system requirements. The tire patch application in this digital era provides a solution that helps motorists overcome the problem of flat or punctured tires. Suggestions that can be given to assist the development of tire patch location search applications for further development can be done by adding information on the location of tire patches that are open or closed both day and night and similar research can also be carried out with mobile-based applications.</p> Melda Nurfadilah Rudiana, Levyna Cabytta Prasellina, Dimas Bagus Wiranatakusuma Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Determinants Factor of The Use Of E-Wallets for Students and According to The Islamic Perspective <p>One of the best inventions of the 21st century is the electronic wallet (e-wallet) which is an integral part of the electronic payment system. As of today, almost all citizens in Indonesia use e-wallets as a payment method. E-wallet is an application or feature developed to make it easier for users to make payments. The use of e-wallets can be accessed easily via the internet, can have a positive impact and also have a negative impact on the use of electronic money services.The study involved students consisting of a man, as well as a woman with ages varying from 19 to 24 years old. Using a qualitative approach, this study uses in-depth interviews as a data collection technique and also obtains from relevant websites or journals. This research shows that E-wallets have grown very rapidly and are used by various groups, including students as millennials. E-wallets are not only understood as a place to store money electronically, but also as a digital payment system with various features, such as top ups, bill payments, bank card storage, money transfers and withdrawals, etc. Students use e-wallets for various purposes, such as paying for online transportation, buying food/drinks, paying bills, etc. There are several fundamental reasons students use e-wallets as a payment method because of the promos offered, ease of transactions, and ease of operation. . In using e[1]wallets, students not only feel comfortable in shopping, but also the convenience of paying because it can be done anywhere as long as the user is connected to the internet. Various conveniences offered by e-wallets, one of which is the simple appearance of the application that allows many users to understand how to operate it quickly</p> Deby Alicia Zurly, Dimas Bagus Wiranatakusuma, Alvaizy Dwi Putra Paputungan Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Influence of Blackpink As A Brand Ambassador to the Purchase Intention at Shopee <p>The research was taken under the title The Influence of BLACKPINK as a Brand Ambassador to Purchase Intentions at Shopee because researcher sees Shopee as an e-commerce that usually uses brand ambassadors to attract the consumer’s interest. One of their brand ambassadors is BLACKPINK. BLACKPINK is a Korean girl group that famous since their debut in 2016 by the power and the stronger on their character. Because of this Shopee sees opportunities from the spread of Korean pop or K-pop culture in all walks of life. So, the purpose of this study is to find out how much the influence of brand ambassadors have on increased buying interest in Shopee. the research used qualitative approach by having an interview with 4 interviewees and 4 previous research papers to find out the reasons and effects they felt during BLACKPINK becoming Shopee's brand ambassador. The research found that previous success during BLACKPINK's time as a brand ambassador was due to the event and supported there was a free shipping voucher given by Shopee to attract purchases</p> Engrasia Putri Johana, Dimas Bagus Wiranatakusuma Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Financial Literacy: Case Study on Vulnerable Youth in Yogyakarta <p>In Indonesia the rate of literacy and inclusion is still low and its significant with the condition of economics now. Young people as pillars of the future civilization still need learning skill for the future especially in Yogyakarta as the city of the student. This study aims to described financial literacy and factors that affecting financial literacy of vulnerable youth in Yogyakarta. This study was qualitative with interview as a method of data collection and descriptive as a data analysis technique. The interview was semi-structured and the interviewees were vulnerable youth in Yogyakarta with some requirements. This study found that financial literacy in vulnerable youth in Yogyakarta are in medium level. Next, for the data that that not all conditions experienced by a vulnerable youth affect their financial literacy. For everyone in any situation can now obtain proper financial literacy and for influencers present a lot of financial literacy content. The government should give the explanation that financial literacy is not difficult to obtain.</p> Elvina Nabilah Abbas, Dimas Bagus Wiranatakusuma, Febby Ferlita Ardyanti Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Pancasila Law State: Muhammadiyah's Contribution to Building the Indonesian Legal Paradigm <p>Pancasila as <em>Darul Ahdi Wa Syahadah</em> in the perspective of Muhammadiyah opens a new interpretation space for the conception of the state law of Pancasila. This is quite logical because the 1945 Constitution only mentions Indonesia as a state of law without explaining its paradigmatic framework in a normative-systematic manner. The idea of Pancasila law (<em>rechtsidee</em>), which is full of ethical values, morals, customary law, and local wisdom, is still being degraded by the strong penetration and influence of the values of Western legal traditions, civil law, and common law. In contrast, the Western legal tradition is oriented towards the liberal-capitalist ideology, which contrasts with the Pancasila ideology. This research examined the problem of the current constitutional paradigm of national law development and investigated the strategy for strengthening Pancasila as the main paradigm for the development of national law and the concept of the ideal state of Pancasila law from the perspective of Darul Ahdi Wa Syahadah. This normative-empirical research had three main components: The first was a literature study to identify and map polemics over a number of related legal products. The second part was a field study by observation and direct interviews (purposive sampling/non-random sampling) with a number of associated informants. Lastly, the third part was the analysis of results, conclusions, and recommendations. As a result, this research produced policy formulations related to strengthening Pancasila as a paradigm of national law development and the ideal concept of a state of law Pancasila from the future perspective of Darul Ahdi Wa Syahadah.</p> King Faisal Sulaiman, Husni Amriyanto Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Covid-19 Pandemic as Force Majeure to Credit Agreements <p>Agreements are closely related to human life, including improving the economy. An agreement is an agreement of the parties, including in running the economy, including credit agreements, carried out by customers with banks. The agreed agreement must be executed by the parties. However, sometimes, not all of the contents of the agreement can be implemented, including because of Force Majeure. The study uses normative and empirical legal research to determine whether the COVID-19 pandemic can be categorized as Force Majeure in Credit Agreements. The COVID-19 pandemic can be categorized as Force Majeure in a case study at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Gombong Branch Office). Since the COVID-19 pandemic can be categorized as a Force Majeure, the credit agreement that has been agreed at the beginning can be restructured. Accordingly, no one has investigated this issue.</p> Reni Anggriani, Rafid Adyatma Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Comparison of Punishment Policies Against Children Narcotics Abuses in Indonesia and Thailand <p>The issue of narcotics is multifaceted and continues to evolve over time. According to data from the National Police and the National Narcotics Agency, a total of 3,281 children were found to be engaged in narcotics-related offenses in 2022. In 2015, Indonesia and Thailand became members of ASEAN, a regional organization committed to achieving a drug-free environment. Both countries collaborate to combat the illicit trafficking of narcotics and illegal drugs to ensure national and state security. In both Indonesia and Thailand, there is a concerning issue of narcotics abuse among children, who are considered the future leaders of their respective nations. This study aims to analyze the approaches taken by Indonesia and Thailand in criminalizing children involved in drug abuse. It also seeks to identify and compare the similarities and differences in their respective approaches towards addressing this issue. This study employed the normative juridical research method, specifically utilizing the comparative method of law. The comparative method involves analyzing the norms, doctrines, and rules that are applicable in both countries. Primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials relevant to this research are utilized in this analysis. The obtained data was analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis. The study revealed differences and similarities in factors such as the child's age, settlement of cases outside of court, types of crimes considered during sentencing, and court examination procedures.</p> Andika Dwi Amrianto, Indra Hafit Zahrulswendar Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Da'wah Versus Patriarchy Messages: Semiotical Analysis of Lyrics "Nanti Kita Seperti Ini" <p>Da'wah is an invitation to people (mad'u) to believe and obey what Allah and His Messenger command. In the Qur'an, there are three methods of da'wah, namely wisdom, good example, and arguing in a good way. In its implementation, songs can be one of the means of da'wah. Songwriters can include da'wah messages in their song lyrics. The author finds indications of da'wah messages, one of which is in the lyrics of a viral song on social media entitled "Later we will be like this". The purpose of this study is to find a da'wah message in the lyrics of the song. This research is an analysis of da'wah messages using a qualitative approach to the type of library research. The data collection technique used in this research is to use documentation techniques. In analyzing the lyrics of this song, the author uses the semiotic analysis theory of Charles Sanders Peirce model. The results of the analysis method, the author found a contradiction in the song lyrics between da'wah messages and patriarchal messages. There are three categories of da'wah messages contained in the lyrics of this song, namely aqidah, Syariah, and akhlaq.</p> Avicena Ismail NoorEsa, Burhanudin Al Ghoni, Izza Muhammad Abdilah, Salsabila Qotrunnada, Kholifatul Fauziah, Ikhwan Ansori Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The role of Financial Literacy, Financial Planning on Financial Management Behavior to Improve the Performance of Car Free Day Traders in Colomadu Karanganyar <p>This research was conducted with the aim of finding out the role of financial literacy, financial planning on financial management behavior to improve the financial performance of Car Free Day traders in Colomadu Karanganyar as mediation. The method applied is using quantitative methods through primary data. Data was collected through offline surveys which were distributed to respondents and then used for statistical tests. The sample for this research is Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises that trade at Car Free Day Colomadu, Karanganyar Regency, with sampling using random sampling techniques with the number of samples used in this research being 150 respondents from traders at Car Free Day Colomadu. In this research, the tool used for analysis is the Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) with the help of SMART PLS 3.0 software. The results of the analysis show: The results of the research show that the role of literacy has a positive and significant effect on financial behavior to improve the performance of traders in Colomadu. Financial management has a positive and significant effect on financial behavior to improve the performance of traders in Colomadu Karanganyar. Financial planning has a positive and significant effect on financial behavior to improve the performance of traders in Colomadu Karanganyar.</p> Irvina Rahma NuR Amanah, Liana Magnifera Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Employee Commitment and Organizational Policies at PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Surakarta <p>PT. PLN represents one of BUMN's moving in the field of ready electric power which it's existence is very required by society. Thereby PT. PLN claimed to provide electric power which with quality is good the than facet sum up and also the quality. Others PT. PLN is also claimed to give professional service to customers or society. Along with that's writer has an eye to perform research with the title "Employee Commitment and Organizational Policies PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Surakarta”. State-owned enterprises need to be more community-friendly as a form of public organization. The orientation of state-owned enterprises so far has tended to be towards national interests (bureaucracy), which has led to an unhealthy condition of state-owned enterprises in Indonesia, giving rise to widespread social debate. Purpose and objectives to analyze employee attitudes, roles, and commitment to the work team. This type of research uses quantitative methods. The population in this study were employees of PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Surakarta. There are three variables in this study, namely the dependent, independent, and mediating variables. The results of this study, the commitment variable has a significant effect on organizational behavior.</p> Anton Agus Setyawan, Dea Pradita Kumalasari Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of the Influence of Education, Economic Growth, Technological Development, and Wages on Unemployment on Java Island <p>The main and fundamental problem in Indonesia's labor force is the high unemployment rate. This is because the growth of new labor is significantly greater than the growth of available jobs each year. Labor growth that is greater than the number of available jobs results in an increase in unemployment. This study aims to measure the direction and magnitude of the influence of Education, Economic Growth, Technological Development, and Provincial Minimum Wage on the Open Unemployment Rate in Java Island for the period 2012-2021. This type of research data is secondary data in the form of panel data with the object of research on the Open Unemployment Rate in Java Island in 2012-2021, data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The analysis method used in this research is panel data regression analysis with the Random Effect Model (REM) selected model. The results showed that Economic Growth and Provincial Minimum Wage had a negative and significant effect on the Open Unemployment Rate, while Education and Technological Development had no effect on the Open Unemployment Rate. It is expected that the government should maintain the factors that influence economic growth and wages, as well as improve the education system and communication technology infrastructure. This research can be a reference for related parties in solving the problem of high unemployment in Java</p> Bagas Ricki Satrio, Yuni Prihadi Utomo Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 30 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0700