Proceedings Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate Conference (UMYGRACE) presented to accommodate a variety of contributions to ideas and ideas that are solutive from the younger generation to contribute to the joint effort to achieve the goals of the SDGs. en-US (UMYGrace) (UMYGrace) Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Hilangnya Minat Generasi Muda Untuk Bertani <p><em>Being blessed with fertile land and suitable for planting various crops is a gift from the creator. Indonesia is often dubbed as the world's granary because it is one of the largest rice-producing countries in the world. Indonesia is an agricultural country based on the statement of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) which states that the number of Indonesian farmers reached 31.70 in 2013. The agricultural sector is one of the country's foreign exchange that helps the economy. Farming activities are one of the livelihoods of most Indonesian people. The productivity of Indonesian farmers who are still productive ranges from more than 40-54 years old with traditional methods. Meanwhile, the younger generation who are more aware of technology are now reluctant to become farmers simply because of the prestige factor that exists in each individual, the fear before trying and underestimating the farming profession. Not being able to utilize technology wisely is a negative impact of technological advances that cause users to become lazy, but there is a positive impact behind it, one of which is spreading agricultural information throughout the earth quickly.</em></p> Zahrani Crisna Adilla , Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Mita Nurlita Copyright (c) 2023 Zahrani Crisna Adilla , Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Mita Nurlita Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Generasi Muda Dalam Menghadapi Ancaman Pertanian Indonesia <p>Agriculture and plantations are important sectors that contribute to food security, employment, and national economic growth. However, this sector also faces various challenges, such as food imports, low productivity, and global competition. The younger generation has an important role to play in overcoming these challenges. The younger generation has the advantage of creativity, innovation, and high enthusiasm. They can utilize these advantages to develop Indonesian agriculture and plantations to be more modern, sustainable, and able to meet national food needs.Here are some specific roles of the younger generation in agriculture and plantations, First, Increasing productivity.The younger generation can play a role in increasing agricultural and plantation productivity by applying the right agricultural technology. The right agricultural technology can help farmers to increase crop yields without damaging the environment.And the second is to increase added value.The younger generation can also play a role in increasing the added value of agriculture and plantations. The added value can be increased by developing high-value derivative products.Third, increasing competitiveness. The younger generation can play a role in improving the competitiveness of Indonesian agriculture and plantations in the global market. The young generation can encourage farmers to implement sustainable agricultural practices, such as organic farming and integrated farming.And the last is to become a bridge between farmers and the government. With the active role of the younger generation, Indonesian agriculture and plantations can become more modern, sustainable, and able to meet national food needs. The younger generation needs to be encouraged to take part in the agriculture and plantation sector, because they are the key to the future of this sector.</p> Zapi Purnama, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Retno, Cantika Wira Amnah Copyright (c) 2023 Zapi Purnama, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Retno, Cantika Wira Amnah Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Kunci Kemajuan Pertanian Indonesia: Pandangan Generasi Muda <p><em>Agriculture in Indonesia plays an important role in the economy and the welfare of society. This paper reviews the strategic role of the younger generation in developing the agricultural sector. The younger generation brings innovation through the application of modern technology, such as digital equipment and smart farming applications, to improve efficiency and productivity. They also encourage sustainable agricultural practices and organic farming, contributing to national food security as well as protecting the environment. In the context of sustainable development, young people need to receive training and education before entering agriculture, utilising technology and digital resources. Promotions and campaigns that encourage young people to take an active role in modern agriculture are also needed. Government policy support, agricultural technology development, entrepreneurship, preservation of natural resources, inter-sectoral collaboration, export markets, and wise direction of social media are also key measures. The challenges faced by the younger generation include the development of modern farming techniques, so they need to have adequate curiosity and skills. The positive thinking of the younger generation, especially in relation to agriculture, can be a driver for the nation's progress. Therefore, engaging the younger generation wisely in agriculture is key to advancing the sector and improving people's welfare.</em></p> Adinda N. J. Puteri, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cahyaningrum A. Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 Adinda N. J. Puteri, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cahyaningrum A. Suryani Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Keterlibatan dan Kontribusi Generasi Muda Terhadap Pembangunan Pertanian di Indonesia <p><em>The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in Indonesia's economy but is currently facing an ageing problem with low participation from the younger generation. This decline is influenced by several factors, including a pervasive negative view of agriculture, limited access to capital and technology, and a lack of encouragement or incentives for young farmers. This research aims to find out what factors make the younger generation reluctant to enter agriculture, how interested young people are in entering the world of agriculture, and what efforts or solutions can be made so that young people are interested in agriculture. This research applies an analytical descriptive method that focuses on current issues that are relevant. Information was obtained from reliable sources, then compiled, analysed and interpreted. Data sources include literature from related journals, theses, and other valid references. The results show that the younger generation has great potential to contribute significantly to the development of agriculture in Indonesia. They have favourable characteristics, such as creativity, innovation, and strong knowledge in technology. However, this potential has not been fully utilised. Therefore, efforts are needed to stimulate the involvement and contribution of the younger generation in advancing the agricultural sector in Indonesia. Such measures include but are not limited to 1) Increasing public awareness of the importance of agriculture. 2)Improving the access of the younger generation to capital and technology. 3)Providing incentives or encouragement for young farmers. 4)Creating an enabling environment for the development of the agricultural sector. It is hoped that these efforts will mobilise greater participation and contribution from the younger generation towards the development of the agricultural sector in Indonesia. This has the potential to increase agricultural productivity, achieve food self-sufficiency, and improve the overall welfare of society.</em></p> Farina Khoirunnisa, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cahyaningrum Arie Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 Farina Khoirunnisa, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cahyaningrum Arie Suryani Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Penggunaan Media Sosial Bagi Petani Muda dalam Berwirausaha di Bidang Pertanian <p>Social media is a platform where everyone can access it, to share moments and information. Nowadays almost everyone has social media for entertainment or to publish something. over time social media is used as a medium to promote products from a business. This is because social media can reach a wider market at a more affordable cost, social media can also be applied to the agricultural sector, especially to educate the younger generation to be more familiar with agriculture and can pursue agriculture, because currently the majority of farmers in Indonesia are more than 40 years old Where, it is very rare to find young people who are involved in agriculture due to lack of education. Even though we can maximise agricultural yields by utilising technology which is currently very sophisticated, various facilities can be obtained but there are still many who think that farming is very difficult and the benefits are not much, we as the next generation of the nation should care about this, we can contribute to the success of agricultural progress in Indonesia by sharing information about agriculture and inviting the public to realise the importance of the agricultural sector so that social media becomes a very important thing to support the progress of agriculture in Indonesia.</p> Hanarita Naffi Kusuma, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cahyaningrum Arie Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 Hanarita Naffi Kusuma, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cahyaningrum Arie Suryani Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Penggunaan Teknologi Hidroponik dalam Budidaya Sayuran di Era Generasi Muda <p>This article explores the utilisation of hydroponic technology in vegetable cultivation among the younger generation. It aims to determine the factors that influence the interest of the younger generation in using hydroponic technology for vegetable cultivation, as well as the challenges, advantages and disadvantages of the method. In addition, it examines the potential business opportunities associated with the use of hydroponic technology. The research methodology used in this study involved the use of secondary data and data analysis techniques. The research findings show that there are several factors that influence the interest of the younger generation in utilising hydroponic technology for vegetable cultivation. These factors include environmental concerns, limited space availability, and the desire for organic and sustainable food production. Furthermore, the research revealed that hydroponic technology offers various advantages, such as efficient water usage and higher yields. However, it also poses certain challenges, including initial investment costs and the need for proper maintenance. The study concluded that the utilisation of hydroponic technology in vegetable cultivation provides a huge business opportunity. The demand for hydroponic vegetables continues to increase, along with the increasing public awareness of the importance of consuming healthy and quality vegetables. In addition, hydroponic technology can also be used for the cultivation of various types of vegetables, so the business opportunities are vast.&nbsp; The findings of this study contribute to the existing knowledge by highlighting the factors that influence the younger generation's interest in hydroponic technology and provide insights into the challenges, advantages and disadvantages, methods, and business opportunities in the use of hydroponic technology.</p> Nurzalifa Fitriyani, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cahyaningrum Arie Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 Nurzalifa Fitriyani, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cahyaningrum Arie Suryani Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Aplikasi Petani Millenial Meningkatkan Produktivitas Bidang Pertanian <p>The digital economy is currently growing around the world, including Indonesia, and is characterised by an increase in the number of Internet users. In early 2021, the number of Internet users in Indonesia reached 202.6 million, an increase of 15.5 per cent or 27 million compared to January 2020. Especially when the COVID-19 pandemic has affected service mechanisms and caused changes in consumer behaviour. Economic actors need to innovate new consumer habits from traditional buying and selling models to adapt to e-commerce. The benefits of digitalisation for Indonesia's economic development include increased market share, ease of transactions, increased production, easier payments, and more diverse promotions. On the other hand, the disadvantages include a lack of labour absorption and vulnerability to fraud and plagiarism. In addition, the financial sector, agricultural sector, cultural sector, tourism, and creative industry have the potential to grow further in the digital era. The Millennial Farmer application is an innovative solution that aims to increase productivity and efficiency in agriculture. By capitalising on the development of information technology and smartphone penetration among millennial farmers, the app is designed to provide easy and quick access to the latest information, best farming techniques, and other resources that can improve agricultural yields. The utilisation of e-commerce in the marketing of agricultural products has also brought about many changes. The development of the Millennial Farmer App is expected to help farmers overcome challenges in modern agriculture, such as climate change, market fluctuations, and the constant need for innovation. By bringing together traditional expertise and modern technology, this application becomes an effective tool in advancing the agricultural sector, encouraging economic growth in rural areas, and creating sustainability in food supply.</p> Roissa Nathania Putri, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cahyaningrum Arie Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 Roissa Nathania Putri, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cahyaningrum Arie Suryani Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Upaya Menarik Genarasi Muda untuk Bekerja di Sektor Pertanian <p><em>The interest in pursuing agriculture should be the main reason why young people choose agricultural vocational training, many factors influence this decision. Indonesia is one of the countries that rely on the agricultural sector because of its advantages. However, in recent years, the need for qualified and talented human resources has decreased, especially in the agricultural sector, which will affect the contribution of the young agricultural workforce/young generation to the success of Indonesian agriculture. The objectives of this study are: 1) to find out the factors that affect food security. 2 ) Knowing the important impact of the agricultural sector on food security 3) The importance of the agricultural sector to food security. 4) to determine the perception of the younger generation towards agricultural development in Indonesia. Efforts to increase the interest of the younger generation are carried out in various ways, including by improving education, creating young entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector, and creating incentives to stimulate the interest of the younger generation to work in the agricultural sector.</em></p> Alsti Kalica Salsabila, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Mita Nurlita Copyright (c) 2023 Alsti Kalica Salsabila, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Mita Nurlita Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Kontribusi Generasi Z Terhadap Tantangan Pada Sektor Pertanian Indonesia <p><em>the agricultural sector, and also increase productivity and participate in developing agricultural technology. There are problems that cause the process of progress in the agricultural sector to be hampered because according to the young generation, agricultural deposits are not in accordance with their interests and also do not want to grow crops, which on average tend to be interested in the office, service, economic and business sectors. In addition, young people in rural areas think that being a farmer has no future. The higher the level of education in rural areas, the lower the interest of youth to work in the agricultural sector. However, there are also a number of z-generations who are interested in working in the agricultural sector, which has the aim of advancing the agricultural sector, including through the use of technology and the development of agricultural production.</em></p> Muhammad Rangga Satria, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Mita Nurlita Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Rangga Satria, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Mita Nurlita Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Generasi Muda Dalam Membangun Masa Depan Pertanian Indonesia yang Mandiri <p><em>Indonesia is a developing country and the main source of income is from the agricultural sector. Agriculture is one of the industries that can improve people's lives by utilizing the economic value of raw materials. The role of the younger generation is becoming increasingly important because it determines the future of the agricultural sector in Indonesia. The agricultural sector has a strategic role in the structure of national economic development, and sustainable development in this sector requires the role of qualified human resources. Indonesia's agriculture is now known to be aging, therefore we want to continue to arouse the interest of the younger generation in agriculture. This generation has access to the latest technology and has the ability to be aware of global trends, so they can contribute to the development of creative solutions to increase the productivity and production capacity of Indonesian agriculture. Farmers must reproduce to maintain food production and discover or develop new technologies in the agricultural sector. The biggest challenge in dealing with the younger generation is to make them realize the importance of agriculture. Human resources are the only resources that have reason, emotion, desire, ability, skill, knowledge, motivation, and effort. Hence the importance of human resources in the agricultural sector. Regeneration has always been a strategic priority, created by previous generations who realized and understood the importance of this.</em></p> Najwa Diah Firdausia, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Mita Nurlita Copyright (c) 2023 Najwa Diah Firdausia, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Mita Nurlita Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Generasi Muda Dalam Mendorong Pertanian Berkelanjutan <p>Empowering the younger generation in agriculture is an urgent need to ensure the sustainability of the sector. The agricultural sector has a strategic role in national economic development, and sustainable agricultural development requires quality human resources. A focus on the younger generation is key to ensuring a strong future for agriculture. Agricultural education needs to be improved, covering vocational to higher-level education, to encourage the participation of the younger generation. Empowerment involves access to quality education, training and field experience. Promotion of sustainable agriculture is important, especially for farmer regeneration. Technological innovation has a big role, with the understanding and application of innovative technologies can increase agricultural productivity. Sustainable agricultural development planning should include economic, environmental and farmer welfare aspects. Innovative agricultural institutions are also key in achieving food security. The involvement of rural youth and the role of young farmers is crucial, with the potential to shift the agricultural paradigm towards more efficient and sustainable practices. Empowering young farmers involves not only technology, but also education, access to capital, and policy support Through the spirit of innovation and collaboration between the government and the private sector, we can create an enabling environment for the development of young farmers as a key pillar in achieving sustainable agriculture, building the foundation for a brighter agricultural future that is responsive to global challenges.</p> Irsyad M.I Gusya, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cantika Wira Amanah Copyright (c) 2023 Irsyad M.I Gusya, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cantika Wira Amanah Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Komunikasi Interpersonal dalam Membentuk Persepsi Generasi Muda Terhadap Masa Depan Pertanian Indonesia <p><em>This research addresses the role that interpersonal communication plays in shaping young people's perceptions of the future of agriculture in Indonesia. Through a qualitative approach, we analyze communicative interactions between the younger generation and agricultural stakeholders. The results show that interpersonal communication plays a crucial role in shaping young people's views on the potential and challenges of the agricultural sector. Factors such as education, first-hand experience, and social media influence how these perceptions develop. The implications of these findings provide insight into communication strategies that can be used to inspire and engage the younger generation in advancing the future of Indonesian agriculture.</em></p> Chintamy Rizky Prastiwi, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Isni Azzahra Copyright (c) 2023 Chintamy Rizky Prastiwi, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Isni Azzahra Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Generasi Muda dalam Pemulihan Gejolak Masa Depan Pertanian Indonesia <p>Indonesian agriculture faces complex future challenges and turmoil. In this context, the role of the younger generation is crucial to the recovery of the agricultural sector. This article examines the active contribution of the younger generation in shaping the future of Indonesian agriculture through innovation, technology and sustainability. The younger generation is recognized as an agent of change and brings a new spirit in the implementation of modern agricultural practices. You are active in applying information technology, developing sustainable business models, and capitalizing on new economic opportunities. In addition, the role of education and training of the younger generation in providing knowledge to traditional farmers is the focus of this article. Therefore, this research highlights the importance of collaboration between the younger generation, the government, and the private sector to create an enabling environment for innovation and sustainable growth in Indonesia's agricultural sector. Through the active role of the younger generation, Indonesian agriculture is expected to overcome future disruptions and develop economic and environmental sustainability. The role of the younger generation is crucial in the future recovery and transformation of Indonesia's agriculture sector, which is currently in a turbulent state. This article discusses the important contribution of the younger generation in addressing agricultural challenges, with a focus on innovation, technology and sustainability. The younger generation is seen as a driving force for change, introducing advanced technologies to improve efficiency and productivity in agriculture. In addition, we actively seek to develop sustainable business models that combine economic, social and ecological aspects. The article also highlights the important role of youth in educating and training traditional farmers by ensuring capacity building and adoption of modern practices. Through cooperation between the younger generation, the government, and the private sector, Indonesian agriculture is expected to achieve positive changes that have a long-term impact to overcome future disruptions and achieve sustainable growth.</p> Fama Manawa Salwa Rusfa, Zuhud Rozaki , Retno Wulandari, Isni Azzahra Copyright (c) 2023 Fama Manawa Salwa Rusfa, Zuhud Rozaki , Retno Wulandari, Isni Azzahra Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Challenges and Opportunities for the Young Generation in Sustainable Agricultural Development <p>Young people around the world face significant challenges and opportunities in taking a key role in sustainable agricultural development. The growth of the agricultural sector is facing serious challenges, especially with a significant decline in the number of young farmers and an increase in old age farmers. The Journal aims to detail the structural changes of the agricultural workforce with a focus on the phenomenon of peasant aging and the decline of young farmers. In addition, the journal will identify the factors causing such changes and detail the policies needed to support the involvement of young farmers in the agricultural sector. The research methods used include descriptive analysis and data tabulation, with the results of the analysis showing that these challenges are getting worse in Indonesia. Several factors caused the decline in the number of farmers in the agricultural sector, including agricultural modernization, social change, lack of profits, the approach of retirement age. One of the Indonesian government's strategies to overcome the challenges of the younger generation industry is through the development of technology-based startups by providing business incubation facilities. The results of this study show that the lack of young workers in the agricultural sector is due to a lack of interest and confidence in the agricultural sector which is considered less promising for the future. However, young workers in the agricultural sector are needed to maintain and advance food in Indonesia. The crisis of young farmers must be addressed so as not to threaten Indonesia. The crisis of young farmers must be addressed so as not to threaten Indonesia's food security, food security is a strategic aspect, and experience in various countries shows that successful development often depends on previous food security achievements.</p> Gisca Wahyu Priani, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Isni Azzahra Copyright (c) 2023 Gisca Wahyu Priani, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Isni Azzahra Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Vital Generasi Muda Dalam Transformasi Pertanian Indonesia Ke Arah Masa Depan Yang Lebih Cerah <h1 style="margin: 4.6pt 4.1pt .0001pt 7.1pt;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-weight: normal;">This research details the crucial role played by Indonesia's young generation in driving the transformation of the agricultural sector towards a brighter future. In this context, the focus of the research lies on the significant contribution of the younger generation in integrating innovation, technology and sustainable approaches into the agricultural system. Through a collaborative approach, youth work with the government, research institutions and other stakeholders to initiate and implement innovative solutions that strengthen food security, increase productivity and reduce environmental impacts. An in-depth analysis of the role of the younger generation reveals that they are not only key actors in the adoption of modern technologies, but also agents of social change that drive agricultural sustainability. With the involvement of the younger generation, collaborative networks are formed that accelerate the transfer of knowledge and skills, expand access to resources, and stimulate the development of small-scale agricultural enterprises. Consequently, this transformation creates new economic opportunities, improves farmers' welfare and contributes to the achievement of sustainable development goals. The results of this research provide an in-depth look at how the vital role of the younger generation is a key pillar in creating a resilient, adaptive and highly competitive agricultural foundation. In conclusion, understanding and appreciating the contributions of the younger generation is not only relevant for agricultural transformation, but also crucial for building a sustainable and bright future for Indonesia.</span></em></h1> Intri Nur Fatinah, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari , Isni Azzahra Copyright (c) 2023 Intri Nur Fatinah, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari , Isni Azzahra Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Memupuk Harapan Pertanian Indonesia: Kontribusi Generasi Muda dalam Peningkatan Teknologi Demi Mewujudkan Pertanian Indonesia yang Berkelanjutan <p><em>Qualified human resources who are committed to creating a quality agricultural sector are one of the success factors for sustainable agricultural development. However, the current condition of agriculture faces a serious problem, namely the number of young farmers has decreased. The role of farmers is very important to fulfill the food needs of a country.&nbsp; With the decreasing number of farmers today and the average farmer is old, it can threaten overall food security. Family as an internal factor plays an important role in the regeneration of farmers where they can directly interact at any time. The role of the government and the private sector in land conversion policies needs to pay attention to the impacts caused.&nbsp; . In the midst of globalization and the development of information technology, the strengthening of the three extension models has been challenged by the innovation of information production and distribution mechanisms to complement farmers' decision-making. Extension communication systems based on information technology or new media need to be an important concern, especially to stimulate the development of the interest of young farmers who are increasingly literate with the application of renewable technology.</em></p> Rahmat Syarif Hidayatullah, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Isni Azzahra Copyright (c) 2023 Rahmat Syarif Hidayatullah, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Isni Azzahra Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Indonesia's Youth Strategy Towards Sustainable Agricultural Change <p>Education and training focused on sustainable agriculture have a crucial role to play in preparing young Indonesians to play a role in sustainable agricultural change. This article discusses several internal and external factors influencing youth interest in the agricultural sector, including limited land constraints, inadequate financial support, negative views of agriculture, and the attractiveness of the non-agricultural sector in urban areas. Research shows that effective, practical, and up-to-date education and training programs can inspire youth to engage in sustainable agricultural practices. The importance of reviving youth interest in agriculture is also emphasized through the development of young entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector. Concrete measures such as increased access to technology, agricultural infrastructure development, and cooperation between governments, research institutions, and communities were identified as strategies to achieve sustainable agriculture. The importance of reviving youth interest in agriculture is also emphasized through the development of young entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector. Concrete measures such as increased access to technology, agricultural infrastructure development, and cooperation between governments, research institutions, and communities were identified as strategies to achieve sustainable agriculture. The importance of active youth participation in the policy process and cooperation with various parties was also discussed. Various training initiatives, such as the Kostratani Program at the Jambi Agricultural Training Center and thematic training activities for farmers, show the government's real commitment in increasing the capacity of agricultural human resources. However, challenges such as the labor crisis in the agricultural sector, especially among young farmers, have an impact on the aging of farmers. Strategies for the protection and empowerment of farmers according to Law Number 19 of 2013, which involve increasing resilience to climate change, business risk management, and strengthening market systems, were identified as steps that can be taken to address various problems in the agricultural sector.</p> AuthNur Rizky Oktaviani, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Ridho Ikbar Distrianada Copyright (c) 2023 AuthNur Rizky Oktaviani, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Ridho Ikbar Distrianada Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Budidaya Jagung Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil <p><em>Research conducted in Pandes, Wedi Subdistrict, Klaten District, Central Java Province aimed to determine the effect of the number of seeds and pruning on corn yield. The research used a 2 x 4 factorial complete randomized design with two factors, namely the number of corn seeds per planting hole and pruning. The results showed that all treatment parameters did not experience interaction except corn seed weight per cob. The largest seed weight was found in the combination of B1P2 (183.93 grams per cob) while the smallest was found in B1P0 (176.88 grams per cob).</em></p> Adila putri safira, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Ridho Ikbar Distrianada Copyright (c) 2023 Adila putri safira, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Ridho Ikbar Distrianada Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Kontribusi Generasi Muda Dalam Perkembangan Pemberdayaan Hidroponik <p><em>Indonesia is one of the countries that rely on the agricultural sector as its advantage. However, the need for good quality and human resources has decreased in recent years, especially in the agricultural sector, which will affect the contribution of the young agricultural workforce/young generation to the success of agriculture in Indonesia. Hydroponics is agricultural cultivation without the use of soil media, so hydroponics is an agricultural activity carried out using water as a medium to replace soil.The purpose of this paper is to find out about the contribution of the younger generation in today's agricultural field, especially in hydroponic farming. the search method for this paper uses the journal search method with the Google Scholar web. the result of this paper is to find out detailed details about the contribution of hydroponic farming with references in several villages and schools. This paper has many benefits so that we can know more up-to-date information, so that it can be a reference or material to start hydroponic farming properly.</em></p> Rayjaka Wasesa , Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari , Ridho Ikbar Distrianada Copyright (c) 2023 Rayjaka Wasesa , Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari , Ridho Ikbar Distrianada Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Peluang dan Tantangan Generasi Muda Menuju Pertanian Bekelanjutan <p><em>This research explains the role of the younger generation in facing the increasingly complex challenges of agriculture, especially in the context of climate change. Focusing on technological innovation, this research outlines how youth engagement can be a key driver of positive transformation in the agricultural sector. Through innovative approaches, such as the application of advanced technologies and sustainable practices, the younger generation is expected to increase agricultural productivity and resilience. The research details the impacts of climate change on agriculture and identifies innovative opportunities that the younger generation can take to address the challenges. In the context of climate change and exposure to global markets, the younger generation is identified as a potential agent of change. A key focus was to explore how technology can improve agricultural efficiency, productivity and resilience. The younger generation is expected to address environmental challenges and meet the demands of a dynamically changing global market. The results of this study provide insights into the transformational potential of the younger generation in shaping a sustainable and globally relevant future for agriculture.</em></p> Zacky Zidan, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Ridho Ikbar Distrianada Copyright (c) 2023 Zacky Zidan, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Ridho Ikbar Distrianada Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 “FRUITMOB” Website Design Distribution Optimization In Imported Fruit Supply Chain System <p>Supply chain system is a management activity carried out by all parties such as the companies who related to a supply chain scope. The analysis was carried out at Sinar Buah Giwangan's store. And there was a problem in the distribution process whom was limited information with distributors. This research were analyzed using PIECES method and based on observations at the Sinar Buah Giwangan's store. With PIECES method, there was a serious problem that's hampering the imported fruit supply chain process. It's the stock of fruit at distributors and the distribution itself. This thing has an impact on order information, fruit distribution, and irregular fruit stock. In this research we designed a website called fruitmob. Fruitmob is a website designed to facilitate the fruit import process with a supply chain management system. In designing this website, a platform is available for distributors to provide information on fruit stocks to make it easier for retailers to access information on fruit stocks availability. This website has a feature that can display an ordering system that allows customers to track the whereabouts product they orders and received real-time updates about delivery status. By designing this website, our hope is the supply chain system for distributors and retailers can be fulfilled and resolve the problems in an integrated manner with a system design that facilitates communication to achieve maximum sales &amp; profit optimization. This research produces output in the form of a Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) design and user interface.</p> M. Abi Yazid Burhani, Fana Fitriah, Anggita Indriyanti Copyright (c) 2023 M. Abi Yazid Burhani, Fana Fitriah, Anggita Indriyanti Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 WAQUAL: IoT-Based Integrated Water Turbidity Detection and Monitoring System to Improve Water Quality in Semarang <p>Water pollution caused by agricultural waste is one of the most pressing environmental issues, particularly in developing countries where water sources are limited, water quality is often compromised. In Indonesia, water turbidity poses a threat to as many as 78% of 100.000 the population with liver cirrhosis. This study aims to develop an AI-based system for detecting and monitoring water turbidity to address the limitations of current systems, including imprecise detection and accuracy. The research employs the concept of drift in data representation and implementation by classifying data based on type. The research includes two stages: data analysis and AI methods. The results of this study demonstrate that the AI-based system has achieved an accuracy rate of 99.43%, detecting a turbidity level of 693502.5. The development of this AI-based system contributes to enhancing the reliability and effectiveness of water quality and resource management in agriculture. Further research is needed to optimize and validate the effectiveness of this AI-based system in other regions with similar problems. The implementation of this system could contribute to sustainable agriculture practices and better water resource management. By providing a more precise and accurate detection and monitoring system, this research can help to minimize the negative impact of water pollution caused by agricultural waste, which could improve human health and promote sustainable agriculture practices.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Galih Ridho Utomo, Yang Ratu Okta , Maulana Dzaki Munawar , Fatimatuzzahro , Muhammad Fuad Hasyim Copyright (c) 2023 Galih Ridho Utomo, Yang Ratu Okta , Maulana Dzaki Munawar , Fatimatuzzahro , Muhammad Fuad Hasyim Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Vegetablefruit Ui/Ux Application Design Using Mobile-Based Figma <p>Food sources that provide many benefits for the body are fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables have good content in them such as vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber which are good for the body. Freshness in fruits and vegetables is very influential on the content in them. Conversely, reducing consumption of fruits and vegetables is the same as increasing the risk of disease, including reducing health. It was proven in 2017 when 3.9 million people died because the level of consumption of fruits and vegetables was low. To overcome this, an application design was created to make it easier for users to find fresh fruit or vegetables, namely Vegetable Fruit. This platform can help users view stock information on fruit or vegetables being sold. With this research, further research is needed on user experience using an online-based vegetable selling platform. In this way, it can be seen how the user experience is using the Platform so that it can be used as a new reference for startups making online applications. In this study, one of the methods to solve the problem, namely the Design Sprint. Based on the results of research on the UI/UX design of the VegetableFruit application, one of the methods used, called Design Sprint, can solve this problem. In the results of the UI/UX design research, the Vegetable Fruit application has discount features, light mode, and has many payment methods that can make it easier for users.</p> Orisa Deva Pradana, Setiya Nugroho , Ardhin Primadewi Copyright (c) 2023 Orisa Deva Pradana, Setiya Nugroho , Ardhin Primadewi Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Transfer Learning VGG16 For Image Classification of Tomato Leaf Disease <p>Tomatoes (<em>Solanum lycopersicum</em>) are one of Indonesia's mainstay horticultural commodities that are exported throughout Southeast Asia. However, the export value of tomatoes in 2021 recorded a decrease of 34.07% from 2020. The decline in the quality and quantity of tomatoes is generally caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and mite outbreaks that mostly attack the leaves such as late blight and two-spotted spider mite. This research utilizes one of the image processing methods to classify tomato leaf diseases in 3 labels, namely tomato healthy, tomato late blight, and tomato two-spotted spider mite. The image processing algorithm used in this research is Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which can extract leaf image features in depth through its layer architecture. The VGG16 transfer learning architecture is used in this study because of its simple structure and can be modified by adding a fully connected layer, namely dropout with a value of 0.5 to adjust the model and improve its performance. Green Channel + CLAHE is also applied at the preprocessing stage with an epoch parameter of 30. The dataset used consists of 1,591 images of healthy tomato leaves, 1,909 images of late blight tomato leaves, and 1,676 images of two-spotted spider mite leaves. Two scenarios were conducted on the model, namely the model with callback function and the model without callback function. Based on the training and evaluation of the model that has been carried out, the model with the callback function is able to produce an accuracy value of 99.03% with precision for the labels tomato healthy 0.99, tomato late blight 1.00, and tomato two-spotted spider mite 0.98, and the number of incorrectly predicted images is only 15. This shows a higher value than the model without the callback function. Against 21 test images from other datasets, the model with callback function was able to produce accurate classification with high prediction values.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Elsa Dwi Nur Iffaty , Maimunah , Pristi Sukmasetya , Muhammad Resa Arif Yudianto Copyright (c) 2023 Elsa Dwi Nur Iffaty , Maimunah , Pristi Sukmasetya , Muhammad Resa Arif Yudianto Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The Design of User Interface and User Experience in Rodanya Masbagia's Information System: using Design Thinking Methodology <p>Magelang City has become an administrative city and MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) as the backbone of the economy in the city. In several regions MSMEs are utilizing digital technology, which has great potential for large-scale sales. The Government of Magelang City has implemented a community empowerment system called the Program for Empowering Community that Advanced, Healthy, and Happy Society (Rodanya Masbagia). This program aims to enhance the empowerment of the community through the local government's budget (APBD) provided by the Magelang City Development Planning Agency (Bappeda). The main challenge faced by MSMEs entrepreneurs is the limitation in selling their products widely, resulting in low demand for their merchandise. There is a sales platform for MSMEs in Rodanya Masbagia’s system especially terms of product marketing. It has a feature implemented where we are not able to reach a wide market. Therefore, there is a need to develop additional features to facilitate widespread product sales. This system is created and designed using the Design Thinking Methodology, which consists of several stages: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The results of this study underwent testing using the Maze platform to facilitate the system's trial. There were 25 respondents involved in testing the prototype in Figma. The average success rate of the testing was 80% based on predefined metrics. Task 1 achieved a success rate of 90%, task 2 had a success rate of 75%, task 3 had a success rate of 80%, task 4 achieved a success rate of 100%, and task 5 had a success rate of 80%. During the testing phase, users were able to complete the tasks, but some tasks posed difficulties. The results of this study with an average of satisfied user feedback (85%) related to the recommended UI/UX design. It can be concluded that there is a need to improve the performance of the design to prevent users from feeling confused or encountering difficulties when using the product.</p> Ibal Afib Maulana, Ardhin Primadewi , Mukhtar Hanafi , Eny Boedi Orbawati Copyright (c) 2023 Ibal Afib Maulana, Ardhin Primadewi , Mukhtar Hanafi , Eny Boedi Orbawati Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 RKM Planning and Management System in the Regional Government of Magelang City: Proposed Concept <p>Magelang City is one of the cities in Central Java province which has many community needs that must be managed properly. The problem of community needs plan (RKM) is important to consider, because it will affect the quality of life of the community. The Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) is the government agency at the regional level responsible for formulating regional development plans and strategies. In Magelang City, Bappeda of Magelang City has a very important role in taking care of the community needs of each Neighborhood Association (RT). Bappeda of Magelang City has a role in taking care of the community needs of each RT in the city of Magelang such as regional development plans that cover the needs of the people of each RT, facilitating development planning meetings and so on. The current system is still an online repository in managing the budget. Inappropriate budget planning can be the cause of an imbalance between needs and budget allocations in community empowerment. Overcoming these difficulties, Bappeda of Magelang City needs to carry out good budget planning and management. In accordance with applicable regulations and standards, and equipped with strict monitoring and evaluation. Therefore, a community needs planning system is needed that can identify and meet community needs properly. This system is intended for the Bappeda of Magelang City in activity management, and RT in planning activities according to the needs of the community. This system&nbsp;will&nbsp;be&nbsp;delivered to&nbsp;each of&nbsp;the&nbsp;neighbourhoods&nbsp;in&nbsp;the&nbsp;city&nbsp;of Magelang&nbsp;every year. This will ensure effective and efficient activity management, which in turn can provide benefits for regional development and the people of Magelang City. This research was conducted using the Ward and Peppard method with Value Chain Analysis and Critical Success Factors (CSFs). The output generated from this research is in the form of strategy recommendations from the results of Bappeda internal and external environmental analysis, as well as proposed information systems that can improve the quality of a more optimal system.</p> Alfira Nisa Fadhilah, Ardhin Primadewi Copyright (c) 2023 Alfira Nisa Fadhilah, Ardhin Primadewi Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 RKM Monitoring and Evaluation System in the City of Magelang: Proposed Concept <p>Local government such as Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), holds an important role in budget management. For example&nbsp; Bappeda of Magelang City in Jawa Tengah. However, there are still several issues related to the distribution of the budget from Bappeda of Magelang City to the community. One of the issues is related to the large number of neighborhood associations (RT) managed by Bappeda, which the total is 1032 RT. The issues create a challenge in managing, distributing, and monitoring the budget effectively and efficiently. The Government of Magelang City created an Advanced, Healthy and Happy Community Empowerment Program or commonly called Rodanya Masbagia. Therefore, a monitoring system for the implementation of Rodanya Masbagia is needed for the community so that the use of funds is in accordance with the needs of the community.&nbsp; This system focuses on monitoring Community Needs Plan (RKM) managed by Bappeda of Magelang City, especially in managing a budget of 30 million rupiah per year for each RT. This study uses a qualitative method, including data and information collection, analysis, and observation. The sample consists of one neighborhood from each district in Magelang City, focusing on mapping the results of monitoring and evaluating programs and budgets. Therefore, the results of this system will enable Bappeda of Magelang City to monitor and evaluate the distribution of funds for each RT, ensuring compliance with the proposed plan. The business process in the optimize of SIMASBAGIA uses the Ward and Peppard Methods. Analysis is carried out using PIECES, Value Chain Analysis and Fishbone Diagram which provides a big picture of the problem in terms of various aspects. The result of this research is a proposed information system for more optimal monitoring and evaluation.</p> Ira Nuryani, Ardhin Primadewi Copyright (c) 2023 Ira Nuryani, Ardhin Primadewi Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Magelang City Legal Administration Data Archived Based on Document Tagging: Proposed Concept <p>The Office of the Legal Section of the Regional Government Secretariat of the City of Magelang (SETDA of Magelang City) currently uses traditional data archiving. Research at the SETDA of Magelang City shows that the processing of records, incoming and outgoing documents is still done manually in a special recording book. The impact is duplicated documents, this is an employee's negligence in filing large numbers of documents. Documents archived at the SETDA of Magelang City are still stored in printed form and stored in a work cupboard. The management of these documents has weaknesses, namely the arrangement of documents is carried out neatly but many documents are not recorded and lost. This situation causes the employees of the SETDA of Magelang City to have difficulty managing the documents that have been received. This study uses 4 stages. These stages include problem identification, literature study, observation and interviews, system design. Efforts to solve this problem will focus on creating a data archiving application system to make it easier for SETDA employees in Magelang City to search for historical data or data that is being worked on. This application will carry the concept of document tagging which is expected to help manage documents and ensure the security of documents. Document Tagging as a process of marking a document with relevant information attached to the document. Research will develop a prototype data archiving system and focus on special tag types in documents to indicate the type of documents in the application. The results obtained from this research are to assist Regional Secretariat employees in managing the filing of letters which were previously manual, now digital by using an administrative data archiving system and making it easier to search for data based on tagging.</p> Fatih Ali Safin, Ardhin Primadewi, Endah Ratna Arumi Copyright (c) 2023 Fatih Ali Safin, Ardhin Primadewi, Endah Ratna Arumi Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Implementation of Prototype Method on Online Fruit Store Service Application Using Flutter Framework <p>Wein's Fresh Store is a distributor that sells local and imported fruits. However, the store still uses manual sales transactions. This results in inadequate transaction effectiveness in bridging transactions to buyers. To overcome this problem, an electronic trading platform called Wein's Fresh Apps was created, based on the Android mobile platform using Android mobile devices as a transaction medium. Through the Android application installed on mobile devices, users can easily sell and buy products in the online store. The Android-based online store has many advantages for users, including easier access and higher mobility, wider time flexibility, and a wider selection of products. Various attractive features such as the use of discount coupons, a secure payment system, and fast and reliable delivery further enhance the shopping experience in the Android-based online store. Wein's Fresh Store is a mobile-based online sales application using the prototype method. The prototyping technique is a method used to quickly gather information about user needs for software. This method focuses on presenting the software aspects that will be seen by customers or users. To build Wein's Fresh Apps application, the Dart programming language and the Flutter framework were used. Flutter is a popular cross-platform framework used to develop mobile and iOS applications. This framework is specifically designed to build mobile application interfaces (UI). Wein's Fresh Apps was created to facilitate store buyers in making purchases through the application, so they no longer need to come directly to the store.</p> <p>Toko <em>Wein’s Fresh </em>Adalah distributor yang membeli buah lokal dan impor. Namun toko tersebut masih menggunakan transaksi penjualan secara manual. Hal ini mengakibatkan kefektifan dalam bertansaksi untuk menjembatani transaksi ke pembeli kurang memadai. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, maka dibuatlah sebuah platform perdagangan elektronik bernama <em>Wein’s Fresh Apps </em>yang berbasis <em>mobile Android </em>menggunakan perangkat seluler <em>Android </em>sebagai media transaksinya. Melalui aplikasi <em>Android </em>yang terinstal di perangkat seluler, pengguna dapat dengan mudah menjual dan membeli produk di toko online tersebut. Toko online berbasis <em>mobile Android </em>memiliki banyak keuntungan untuk pengguna, di antaranya adalah kemudahan akses dan mobilitas yang lebih tinggi, fleksibilitas waktu yang lebih luas, dan pilihan produk yang lebih banyak dan bervariasi. Berbagai fitur menarik seperti penggunaan kupon diskon, sistem pembayaran yang aman, dan pengiriman yang cepat dan terpercaya, semakin meningkatkan pengalaman berbelanja di toko online berbasis <em>mobile Android</em>. Toko <em>Wein’s Fresh </em>adalah aplikasi penjualan online yang berbasis mobile dengan metode <em>prototype.</em>Teknik <em>prototyping </em>adalah metode yang digunakan untuk dengan cepat mengumpulkan informasi tentang kebutuhan pengguna tentang perangkat lunak. Metode ini berfokus pada presentasi aspek-aspek perangkat lunak yang akan terlihat oleh pelanggan atau pengguna. Untuk membangun aplikasi <em>Wein’s Fresh Apps</em>, digunakan bahasa pemrograman <em>dart framework Flutter</em>. <em>Flutter </em>merupakan sebuah <em>cross-platform framework </em>yang populer digunakan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi mobile dan iOS. Framework ini dirancang khusus untuk membangun antarmuka (UI) aplikasi mobile. <em>Wein’s Fresh Apps </em>ini dibuat untuk memudahkan pembeli toko dalam melakukan pembelian barang melalui aplikasi, sehingga tidak perlu lagi datang langsung ke toko tersebut.</p> Wahyu Aji Suryantoro, Setiya Nugroho, Ardhin Primadewi Copyright (c) 2023 Wahyu Aji Suryantoro, Setiya Nugroho, Ardhin Primadewi Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Development of Village Digitization through the “Kaline X Mbangun Desa(in)” in Srihardono Village Bantul Yogyakarta <p>The village information system implementation should continue to be optimized by every village in Indonesia. However, to make it happen, it is necessary to develop the village information system in every village, one of which is the Online Kalurahan Program (Kaline). The method used is by digitizing and branding the Kalurahan located in Srihardono Village Bantul Yogyakarta. This program can be realized in approximately two months by conducting research and focus group discussion with Srihardono Village staff and local community representatives. Then, we conducted digital content production. The results of this service are the creation of village design assets, profile books, website homepages, social media templates, and village profile videos.</p> Dendy Dio Damar, Audrey Vania Zahrani Kinasih , Rizka Aprilia Nur Khasanah, Sandra Ramadhani Wicaksono , Fajar Junaedi Copyright (c) 2023 Dendy Dio Damar, Audrey Vania Zahrani Kinasih , Rizka Aprilia Nur Khasanah, Sandra Ramadhani Wicaksono , Fajar Junaedi Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Forecasting Optimalization in Spare Part Inventory Applications on XYZ Temanggung Outlet Ltd. <p>XYZ Magelang Branch Ltd is a company engaged in the automotive sector, which supported by three outlets. &nbsp;The name of the outlet are &nbsp;Temanggung Outlet, Purworejo Outlet, and Kebumen Outlet. The Temanggung Outlet is one of the outlet with the highest number of services compared to the others. The impact of having the highest number of services is that the demand for spare parts is also the highest compared to the other outlets. To overcome the demand for spare parts at the Temanggung Outlet, an inventory application is needed to manage spare parts with the implementation of forecasting to determine the stock of spare parts for the upcoming period. In this research, the forecasting calculation is carried out by utilizing the historical calculation of the outgoing transaction data in the inventory application. The data obtained from the sales transaction report is in the form of spare parts sales with a data quantity of 30 items, selected from the top 30 spare parts sales. The calculation process using the Single Moving Average (SMA) forecasting is validated using Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). In this research manuscript, SMA has MAPE error with range 0% up to 62.069% compared to the conventional method, which has range 16% up to 83%.</p> Tulkhah Mubasyir Anwar, Uky Yudatama, Ardhin Primadewi Copyright (c) 2023 Tulkhah Mubasyir Anwar, Uky Yudatama, Ardhin Primadewi Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Ethnobotanical Studies in the Ritual of Panjang Jimat Ceremony at the Kasepuhan Palace Cirebon <p>Indonesia is the second country with a high level of biodiversity and culture from each region. One area that has high biodiversity and culture is the city of Cirebon. The unique culture of Cirebon City which combines aspects of biodiversity and culture is the Panjang Jimat Ritual which is carried out at the Kasepuhan Palace in Cirebon. This ritual is carried out on the night of 12 Rabiul Awwal which aims to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. However, until now, there has been no research that examines the various types of plants used in this ceremony, even though knowledge of the types of plants used can help to determine the status of natural resources, the distribution of plants, and the interactions between plants and people in the city of Cirebon. Therefore, this study aims to identify various types of plants and their symbolic meanings used in the Panjang Jimat ritual. The research method used is descriptive quantitative by collecting data through interviews and observation. The results showed that there were 18 plants used in this ceremony which included <em>Oryza sativa, Cocos nucifera, Rosa </em>sp.,<em> Mangifera indica, Musa paradisiaca, Magnolia alba, Curcuma longa, Syzygium aromaticum, Zingiber officinale, Cinnamomum verum, Jasminum sambac, Styrax japonica, Cananga odorata, Citrus </em>sp.,<em> Bambusa </em>sp.<em>, Arenga pinnata, Salacca zalacca, and Malus </em>sp. This research is the first time it has been conducted, so ethnobotanical studies are very important to determine the interaction between plants and the local people of Cirebon.</p> Muhammad Abdul Jabar, Bagus Hammam Falah, Putri Imas Andini, Ema Kartika Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Abdul Jabar, Bagus Hammam Falah, Putri Imas Andini, Ema Kartika Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Utilizing Limited Land for Organic Hydroponic Farming <p>This journal article explores the role of the younger generation in shaping the future of Indonesian agriculture. The objective is to assess the level of interest among youth in the agricultural sector and to scrutinize the initiatives undertaken for its advancement. The article refers to prevailing literature in agricultural science, particularly focusing on journals published within the last five years. It accentuates the burgeoning interest of the younger generation in advancing agricultural techniques, including but not limited to hydroponics, aquaponics, aeroponics, and vertiminaponics. Additionally, it emphasizes their proactive engagement in disseminating positive insights about modern agricultural practices within the community.</p> Firyal Kamilatuz Zakiya, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cantika Wira Amanah4 Copyright (c) 2023 Firyal Kamilatuz Zakiya, Zuhud Rozaki, Retno Wulandari, Cantika Wira Amanah4 Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Anti-Breast Cancer and Pharmacokinetic Prediction of Isorhamnetin, Glucocapparine Capparisine A And B From Capparis Spinosa <p>The discovery of new natural anticancer agents is considered a remarkable solution to prevent drug resistance and metastasis in breast cancer patients. The <em>Capparis spinosa</em> plant is widely known for its antioxidant and other therapeutic effects. This study aims to evaluate anti-breast cancer activity targeting Akt1 and HIF1A proteins of several phytochemicals in <em>Capparis spinosa</em> through <em>in silico </em>methods and their pharmacokinetic prediction. This research is an <em>in-silico study</em> involving Bioinformatics (PASS Analysis with STITCH &amp; STRING), Molecular Docking, and pkCSM Analysis. According to bioinformatics methods, AKT1 and HIF1A were obtained as potential protein targets. In molecular docking to AKT1 protein, the docking score obtained for Isorhamnetin, Glucocapparine, Capparisine A, Capparisine B, and Ipatasertib as control were -6.2 kcal/mol, -5.3 kcal/mol, -4.9 kcal/mol, -4.9 kcal/mol, and -6.2 kcal/mol respectively. Meanwhile, the docking score for HIF1A protein for Isorhamnetin, Glucocapparine, Capparisine A, Capparisine B, and 2-methoxy estradiol as control was -5.2 kcal/mol, -4.7 kcal/mol, -4.4 kcal/mol, -4.3 kcal/mol, and -4.7 kcal/mol. The scores for each compound were like the controls in both proteins, indicating that the analyzed phytochemicals of <em>Capparis spinosa </em>have potential anti-breast cancer properties. Pharmacokinetic prediction for absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) is also provided to help further studies and development for the compounds as anticancer drugs. This study provided data from in silico methods regarding anti-breast cancer supported with pharmacokinetic activities for Isorhamnetin, Glucocapparine Capparisine A, and Capparisine B, which will be helpful as a reference for other advanced research in the future.</p> Alfiah Amaliyah, Mohammed A.H.M Hasan Copyright (c) 2023 Alfiah Amaliyah, Mohammed A.H.M Hasan Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Perilaku Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Terhadap Pencegahan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 <p><em>Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DMT2) is a non-communicable disease characterized by persistent and preventable increases in blood sugar. To prevent it requires good knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta medical students towards the prevention of DMT2. This research is a quantitative study with a descriptive observational study design involving 197 respondents based on a convenience sampling technique. The results of the analysis showed that out of 197 respondents consisting of 193 people (98.0%) had good knowledge about diet and no respondents had bad knowledge about physical activity. Based on attitude, 191 respondents (97.0%) had a positive attitude towards diet and 185 people (93.9%) also had a positive attitude towards physical activity. Furthermore, based on the respondents' behaviour towards exercise habits, as many as 130 people (66.0%) have exercise habits. Based on the results of the chi-square test, it was found that several aspects had a relationship, namely knowledge about eating patterns with attitudes about eating patterns (p = 0.010), attitudes about eating patterns with attitudes about physical activity (p = 0.000), and attitudes about physical activity with behaviour (p= 0.007). Therefore, only a few aspects have a relationship. The results of this study are expected to be used as material for evaluating medical study programs regarding increasing promotion and prevention efforts related to DM.</em></p> <p><em>Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 (DMT2) merupakan salah satu penyakit tidak menular yang ditandai dengan peningkatan gula darah secara persisten dan dapat dicegah. Dalam upaya pencegahannya diperlukan pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku mahasiswa kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta terhadap pencegahan DMT2. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi observasional deskriptif yang melibatkan 197 responden berdasarkan teknik convenience sampling. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dari 197 responden terdiri dari 193 orang (98,0%) memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang pola makan dan tidak ada responden yang memiliki pengetahuan buruk tentang aktivitas fisik. Berdasarkan sikap, sebanyak 191 responden (97,0%) memiliki sikap positif terhadap pola makan dan 185 orang (93,9%) juga memiliki sikap positif terhadap aktivitas fisik. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan perilaku responden terhadap kebiasaan olahraga, sebanyak 130 orang (66,0%) memiliki kebiasaan olahraga. Berdasarkan hasil uji chi-square diperoleh hasil bahwa beberapa aspek memiliki hubungan yaitu pengetahuan tentang pola makan dengan sikap tentang pola makan (p= 0,010), sikap tentang pola makan dengan sikap tentang aktivitas fisik (p= 0,000), dan sikap tentang aktivitas fisik dengan perilaku (p= 0,007). Oleh karena itu, hanya beberapa aspek saja yang memiliki hubungan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan evaluasi program studi kedokteran mengenai peningkatan upaya promosi dan pencegahan terkait DM.</em></p> Seyka Lavefivusti Kesaputri, Denny Anggoro Prakoso Copyright (c) 2023 Seyka Lavefivusti Kesaputri, Denny Anggoro Prakoso Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Optimization of pH to Bacteriocin Production by Lactic Acid Bacteria Growol Isolate Against Salmonella typhi <p><strong>Introduction</strong> – Growol is a traditional food from Yogyakarta which made from fermentation by Lactid Acid Bacteria (LAB) of cassava. LAB growol isolate as probiotics have ability to produce bacteriocins. Bacteriocins are useful for eradicating gram-positive and negative pathogenic bacteria. Bacteriocin activity is influenced by many factors, including pH, temperature, incubation time, and others, but the research about optimization of pH to produce bacteriocins that have maximum activity against <em>S. typhi</em> bacteria has been very limited. <strong>Purpose</strong> – This study aims to determine the ability of the bacteriocins produced by LAB growol isolate to inhibit the growth of <em>S. typhi</em> bacteria and to optimize the pH of the culture to increase its activity.</p> <p><strong>Methodology/Approach</strong> – This research used a quasi-experimental method using post control group design. There were 5 samples of <em>S. typhi</em> bacteria which were divided into 5 groups. Group 1 was used as normal control without pH treatment. Groups 2, 3, 4, 5 were treatment with pH 2; 4; 6; 8. Each pH treatment was carried out with 4 repetitions. After the treatment, diameter of the inhibition zone of the disc was measured. The data obtained processed were using anova as a statistical analysis to see the difference in the sample mean. <strong>Findings</strong> – This study showed the results that optimizing of pH bacteriocin was optimum at inhibiting the growth of <em>S. typhi</em> bacteria is 2 with average diameter of inhibition zone is 11.10 mm. <strong>Originality/ Value/ Implication</strong> – The results of this study prove that pH has ability to affects bacteriocin activity produced by LAB growol isolate against <em>S. typhi</em>. LAB growol isolate has potential to produce bacteriocins to kill <em>S. typhi</em>.</p> Firda Rizka Afaroh, Lilis Suryani Copyright (c) 2023 Firda Rizka Afaroh, Lilis Suryani Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Screening the Activity of Epigallocatechin Gallate as a Colorectal Anticancer Agent: In Silico and ADMET/Pharmacokinetic Studies <p><strong>Introduction </strong>- Colorectal cancer is one of the third ranked cancers in Indonesia and has a high level of malignancy. The bioactive compound <em>Epigallocatechin Gallate</em> (EGCG) is known to have antioxidant and cytotoxic activity, so it has the potential to be developed as an anticancer agent. <strong>Purpose</strong> - This study aims to determine the potential of EGCG compounds as anticancer <em>in silico</em>. <strong>Methodology/Approach </strong>- The <em>in-silico</em> tests used are molecular docking and ADMET/Pharmacokinetic profiles using <em>biosig pkcsm</em>.<strong>Finding</strong> - The results of the respective binding affinities formed from EGCG compounds with the target protein affinities of COX-2 and <em>Caspace-3</em> are -9.2 and -5.4 which are better links between EGCG and <em>Caspace</em>. The Lipinski rule show that the epigallocatecin compound has strength to absorb is 47%. This indicates that EGCG has the potential as a candidate for colorectal anticancer drugs with poor absorption. <strong>Originality/Value/Implications</strong> – <em>In Silico</em>, many studies have been carried out, but it is still rare to combine molecular docking methods with pKCSM to determine the solubility properties of compounds. The prospect of this research can become a basic or key for developing ECGC compounds into preparations because they have low bioavailability and can be continued in in vitro and in vivo research.</p> Prismo Bagas Setiadi, Maura Shavira Alamsyah, Tria Ningsih, Qatrunada Fajriyah, Rifki Febriansah Copyright (c) 2023 Prismo Bagas Setiadi, Maura Shavira Alamsyah, Tria Ningsih, Qatrunada Fajriyah, Rifki Febriansah Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) in Menopausal Medically Compromised Patients at RSGM UMY <p>Menopause is the time of life when a woman’s ovaries stop producing hormones and the menstrual periods stop. Menopausal women experience a decrease in the function of estrogen and progesterone hormones as a sign of the stopped fertile period for women. Menopause causes hormonal change and systemic conditions for menopausal woman. The systemic condition from hormonal change often makes medically compromised in menopausal woman. These conditions can be related to quality of life-related dental and oral health. This study aims to describe Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) in menopausal patients with medically compromised at RSGM UMY. This type of research used is descriptive observational with cross-sectional design. 110 participants menopausal women with medically compromised 45 years were given were given the OHIP-14 questionnaire using interview techniques. This study used Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) questionnaire instruments with frequency data distribution analysis. 40 respondents (36.6%) have good quality of life, 66 respondents (60%) have moderate quality of life, and as many as 4 respondents (3.6%) have poor quality of life. The respondents mayority felt complaints on the physical disturbance dimension of discomfort when chewing. Based on OHIP-14 questionnaire showed that most of the respondents have moderate quality of life (60%).</p> Bella Pardian Nur Allifiah, Dyah Triswari, Hartanti Copyright (c) 2023 Bella Pardian Nur Allifiah, Dyah Triswari, Hartanti Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Reliability test of a questionnaire to investigate behaviour of using traditional medicines among urban students of Elementary School <p><strong>Introduction.</strong> The use of traditional medicine among the adult population is prevalent. Previous studies have explored the use of traditional medicine among adults. However, traditional medicine usage among adolescents is still rare, especially among elementary school students. Therefore the instruments for research on the use of traditional medicine among adolescents are also still limited. <strong>Objective.</strong> This study aims to calculate the reliability scale of a questionnaire based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. The questionnaire can be used to explore the behavior of using traditional medicine among elementary school students. <strong>Method</strong><strong>s</strong><strong>.</strong> The tested instrument has been assessed for its content validity using a professional judgement approach and language clarity. In this study, instrument reliability was calculated using Cronbach Alpha approach. The test respondents were elementary school students in Yogyakarta City namely SD Negeri Ungaran Yogyakarta. Fifty respondents were selected using purposive sampling and given a self-asministered questionnaire. Data were entered and calculated for Cronbach Alpha using SPSS software. <strong>Results.</strong> Twelve percent of the 50 data sets were ineligible for inclusion due to incomplete answers, resulting in 44 data sets (88%) being analysed. The analysis produces a Cronbach's Alpha scale of 0.840 with 24 items in the questionnaire. <strong>Conclusion.</strong> The conclusion is that the instrument is reliable because the scale of Cronbach's Alpha is more than 0.60 as the standard point. It can be used to investigate a behaviour regarding traditional medicines usage among Elementary Students in urban areas.</p> Riska Cahyani, Aris Widayati Copyright (c) 2023 Riska Cahyani, Aris Widayati Wed, 15 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700